BIOQIC Teams for Charité at Berlin Relay Run

On June 13th at 18:30 h, BIOQIC will take part in this year’s Berlin relay run (Staffellauf) with 3 teams: Image in Action: Judith (team captain), Helge, Yang, Bernhard, Stephan (M) Baustelle: Yavuz (team captain), Felix, Mehrgan, Shailey, Leili Bananaslugs: Nader (team captain), Andreas, Johannes, Stephan (W), Sebastian Team captains should have received an email…

PhD student Patrick Werner awarded travel stipend

Patrick Werner from the Schröder group at the FMP has been awarded a travel stipend for attending the 60th Experimental NMR conference in Asilomar. He presented results from a collaboration between the Schröder and the Taupitz groups (both BIOQIC members) on the stability of Gd-containing contrast agents in the extracellular matrix, in particular the transchelation…

New BIOQIC publication by Leili Riazy

BIOQIC congratulates PhD student Leili Riazy with her first authorship of the newly published paper “Porous medium 3D flow simulation of contrast media washout in cardiac MRI reflects myocardial injury” in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine!

Introduction to statistics course postponed to June 20-21

The course “Introduction to statistics’ by Professor Shravan Vasishth from Potsdam University is postponed to June 20-21 This course by the winner of the “best teacher award” for the SFB1340 Matrix in Vision Introduction lectures “Biology and Methods for ECM-targeted Imaging” in January 2019, is organized by PhD student and Matrix in Vision student representative…