Please find below the announcement for the Molecular Imaging Symposium 2019 (MoBi2019), of which BIOQIC PhD student Yavuz Uca is an organizer (as the sponsoring officer of the German young Molecular Imaging Community, GyMIC):

PRESENT your work and ENLARGE your network at the 3rd GyMIC Molecular Imaging Symposium | MoBi 2019

Click here for flyer


The German young ESMI group (GyMIC) warmly invites you to join the upcoming edition of the MoBi 2019 from 26-27 September 2019 in Münster. Do not miss to participate, contribute with your work, or send your students to enable them to enlarge their network.


WHEN? 26-27 September 2019

WHERE? European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI), Waldeyerstr. 15, D-48149 Münster

WHY? The MoBi is an informal, young-scientists-driven, low-cost meeting providing a very easy entry into the broader, international imaging community of the ESMI. It is a casual platform where young and more senior imaging scientists meet, put their findings up for discussion, exchange knowledge, and enlarge their professional network.

WHO? Junior AND senior researchers are highly welcome to enhance discussions amongst the groups, disciplines and “generations”.


Abstract Submission: 1 June – 15 July 2019

Early Bird Registration: 15 August 2019


Helmut Mäcke – Freiburg, Germany

Mangala Srinivas – Nijmegen, The Netherlands

James Thackeray – Hannover, Germany

Gil Westmeyer – Munich, Germany


Until 2016 the MoBi was organized by the “Interdisziplinäres Netzwerk für Molekulare Bildgebung” and is now organized by the “German Young Molecular Imaging Community” (GyMIC) and as such under the umbrella of the “European Society for Molecular Imaging”. For any further information, abstract submission, registration just visit our website and do not hesitate to contact us!


Best regards,


The MoBi Organizing Committee 2019
Jan-Niklas May, Aachen, Chair Jonas Albers, Göttingen
Janette Iking, Münster, Co-Chair Anne Helfen, Münster
Martin Grewer, Münster, Treasurer Jana Humbert, Kiel
Alexa Hasenbach, Münster, Marketing Officer Amara Khan, Göttingen


Yavuz O. Uca, Berlin, Sponsoring Officer Paul Konken, Münster