Welcome Neslihan Koyuncu-Gürsu!
We want to welcome our guest researcher Neslihan Koyuncu-Gürsu from the University of Istanbul – welcome Neslihan!
DetailsWe want to welcome our guest researcher Neslihan Koyuncu-Gürsu from the University of Istanbul – welcome Neslihan!
DetailsSherine Brahma from the second BIOQIC cohort has defended his thesis exceptionally well – SUMMA CUM LAUDE! Congratulations Sherine!
Dr. Mathias Lukas received the Robert Koch Award of Charité 2024 for his research in the field of Molecular Imaging. In his doctoral thesis, Dr. Mathias Lukas developed a novel imaging technique that allows for the simultaneous, quantitative, and non-invasive observation of multiple radioactively labeled substances and their interactions in living organisms. The new…
DetailsBIOQIC-PhD students Tom Meyer and Jakob Jordan won the second and third price of the student awards at the ITEC 2024 in Lyon! Congratulations!!!
BIOQIC-PhD students Yasmine Safraou and Edengenet Dejene – both defended their PhD thesis with MAGNA CUM LAUDE! Congratulations!!
Congratulations to all authors: The second edition of the book “Quantification of Biophysical Parameters in Medical Imaging” has just been published: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-61846-8.
Kandice started her guest research stay in our department – we are happy to welcome Kandice together with her son Alex and are very much looking forward to working with her and to her exciting presentations in our seminar!
Mechanical networks of the brain The August issue of ADVANCED SCIENCE features an article on insights into the brain’s mechanical networks that shed light on the relationship between microanatomy and macroscopic biomechanical changes that can be measured by elastography in patients and used as novel imaging markers. The authors: Judith Bergs, Anna S. Morr, Rafaela…
DetailsBiology: 2024 Best Paper Award — Winners Announced The MDPI Award Committee has selected the paper “Sexual Dimorphism in Extracellular Matrix Composition and Viscoelasticity of the Healthy and Inflamed Mouse Brain” as the winner of the Biology 2024 Best Paper Award. The award is selected by the award committee based on the overall evaluation of the…
DetailsResearchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Delbrück Center have new findings on brain stiffness as a marker of neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis to report. In this section, they answer questions about their research findings. Source Silva RV et al. Cortical matrix remodeling as a hallmark of relapsing-remitting neuroinflammation in MR elastography and quantitative MRI. Acta…
DetailsBIOQIC-PhD student Simone Hufnagel defended successfully her PhD thesis: Motion-corrected 3D high-resolution cardiac T1-mapping – congratulations!
BIOQIC welcomes Kandice Tanner for a sabbatical in the labs of Ingolf Sack at Charité Berlin. Tanner receives funds to pursue a translational project in cancer biophysics using novel MR elastography technology developed at Charité. Tanner is a physicist and Senior Investigator at the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of…