Innovation Award Goes to BIOQIC Faculty Members!

We are proud to announce that, Prof. Ingolf Sack and Dr. Jing Guo have been awarded the ‘Innovation Award’ of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) and Family Klee Foundation for Tomoelastography. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros. We congratulate Prof. Sack and Dr. Guo for their success!

PTB Colloquium: MRI Flow Imaging

PTB kindly invites you to the upcoming colloquium on Monday, 23. August 2021, 11:00 which will be streamed at:… Subject: MRI Flow Imaging: Validation, Assessment of Complex Hemodynamics, and the Power of Functional Challenges, Prof. Oliver Wieben, Ph.D.

This summer’s BIOQIC seminar highlights

Aug 3 16-17h Prof. Marvin Doyley, University of Rochester Reconstructive elastography from theory to clinical applications Aug 17 16-17h Prof. Marvin Doyley, University of Rochester Ultrasound Beamforming: How do we do it and what are the challenges Aug 31 16-17h Prof. Kay Raum, Charité,BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies The long and stony path from a…

New BIOQIC publication: Influence of fibrosis progression on the viscous properties of in vivo liver tissue – congratulations to Rolf Reiter!

We are pleased to inform you about a new BIOQIC publication: Influence of fibrosis progression on the viscous properties of in vivo liver tissue elucidated by shear wave dispersion in multifrequency MR elastography. We congratulate all the authors of this nice work! Don’t forget to check out the paper!

BIOQIC fully funded for its second term

We received the fantastic news that BIOQIC will be fully funded for its second term! This means another 4,5 years and a new (3rd) cohort of PhD students. Many thanks to everyone who made this success possible: the executive committee, all the PIs who are dedicated to their BIOQIC projects, and of course all the…