Announcement: Cardiovascular Imaging Conference CMR 2018
The CMR 2018, conference on cardiovascular imaging, will take place in Barcelona from January 31 – February 3, 2018. Click here to enter the website.
The CMR 2018, conference on cardiovascular imaging, will take place in Barcelona from January 31 – February 3, 2018. Click here to enter the website.
At the ‘Annual Meeting of the Interdisciplinary German Network Molecular Imaging’ (MoBi2017), which took place in Aachen on 23-24 Nov, Yavuz won the poster award representing his research group on the study: ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Experimental Atherosclerosis by Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE)’. Congratulations Yavuz!
Link to website The aim of the workshop is to prepare the upcoming European EMPIR-call in Health 2018 through input from international experts in medicine, adacdemia and industry. The call will align with the current and upcoming H2020 programme to add a metrology component. It is organised in two dimensions with an applications (vertical) and…
We are happy to announce next week’s seminar on computation of axon strains under head impact by Rémy Willinger (Professeur des Universités, Equipe Biomécaniques, Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Ingénieur, de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie, Université de Strasbourg). The seminar will take place on Thursday, Nov 30th, at 13:30 h. Venue is the seminar room at…
We would like to announce the next seminar in quantitative biomedicine at WIAS (Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik), which will take place on 20.11. Please check the website for details: The seminar will be focused mostly on numerics, but the underlying topics will be the definition of biomarkers.
We are happy to announce two seminars in statististics by Eric Barnhill. The first one will take place on November 14 with the title “Basic concepts of statistical inference: likelihood, distributions and models” and the second one on November 28 with the title “The statistics “classics” — t-tests and ANOVAs — their dangers, and how…
The BIOQIC Journal Club series will start in November this year. All BIOQIC students will present a paper of their choice which should be relevant for BIOQIC and discuss the research, especially methods, results and discussion. Goal is to develop a critical mind in science.
We are happy to announce the seminar on Dual-VENC phase unwrapping by Cristóbal Bertoglio (Johann Bernoulli Institute, Groningen, NL). The seminar will start at 9 am in the BCAN seminarroom.
We would like to announce the seminar by Dominique Chapelle, WIAS seminar series in Quantitative Biomedizin, on September 18th! Dominique Chapelle (Inria Saclay Ile-de-France Research Center) Biomechanical modeling of the heart, and cardiovascular system – From sarcomeres to organ / system, with experimental assessments and patient-specific clinical validations Cardiac contraction originates at a subcellular –…
Dear colleagues, It is our pleasure to inform you about the upcoming “CoSIP Intense Course on Deep Learning”, which will take place at TU Berlin from November 29 to December 1, 2017, organized by Rudolf Mathar, Maximilian März, and myself. This intense course is related to the DFG-Priority Programme “Compressed Sensing in Information Processing (CoSIP)”,…