18/09/17 WIAS Seminar: Biomechanical modeling of the heart, and cardiovascular system – From sarcomeres to organ / system, with experimental assessments and patient-specific clinical validations – by Dominique Chapelle

We would like to announce the seminar by Dominique Chapelle, WIAS seminar series in Quantitative Biomedizin, on September 18th! Dominique Chapelle (Inria Saclay Ile-de-France Research Center) Biomechanical modeling of the heart, and cardiovascular system – From sarcomeres to organ / system, with experimental assessments and patient-specific clinical validations Cardiac contraction originates at a subcellular –…

CoSIP Intense Course on Deep Learning

Dear colleagues, It is our pleasure to inform you about the upcoming “CoSIP Intense Course on Deep Learning”, which will take place at TU Berlin from November 29 to December 1, 2017, organized by Rudolf Mathar, Maximilian März, and myself. This intense course is related to the DFG-Priority Programme “Compressed Sensing in Information Processing (CoSIP)”,…

MRE Workshop – Elastography and 1st BIOQIC Day

We are delighted to announce the very first MRE workshop independently organized by members of the MRE study group of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)* in conjunction with the first BIOQIC student day. *(Please note the ISMRM does not accept or assume any liability for this workshop as this workshop is…

Cardiac Imaging News

Live Cardiac CT was broadcasted on TV from Charité in Berlin with BIOQIC Professor Marc Dewey: Further details about the study which runs in 14 European countries can be found at https://www.dischargetrial.eu/ and using +49 30 450 627264.   A meeting on Quantitative Cardiac Imaging will be held at the Charité Berlin from September 19-20th. Please see…


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