9th Annual “Physics of Cancer” Symposium taking place from September 24-26, 2018, in Leipzig

You are cordially invited to register for the 9th Annual “Physics of Cancer” Symposium taking place from September 24-26, 2018 in Leipzig, Germany. http://conference.uni-leipzig.de/poc/ About PoC: This conference assembles the scientific community seeking to understand how physical interactions change during cancer development, how these cause dramatic effects, and what we may be able to do…

BIOQIC PhD committees: Second meeting, April-June 2018

Goal: to evaluate PhD project progression, discuss potential pitfalls and perspectives.   The committee consists of: 1 or more supervisors, or another senior scientist from the field of the PhD work 1-2 external reviewer(s) from the BIOQIC faculty or the wider area of imaging sciences (not directly related to the PhD work) Chair and reporting…

Non-invasive detection of human cerebral population spikes in MEG and EEG, April 20th at 14 h @ PTB

Festkolloquium der Abteilung 8 Medizinphysik und metrologische Informationstechnik anlässlich der Verabschiedung von Herrn Dr. Martin Burghoff Freitag, 20. April 2018, 14.00 Uhr Prof. Dr. med. Gabriel Curio Klinik für Neurologie mit experimenteller Neurologie, Charité Berlin Berlin Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience   Non-invasive detection of human cerebral population spikes in MEG and EEG The capability…

BIOQIC rooms for parents and children opened at CCM campus

The festive opening, by the Charité Familienbüro, of the rooms for parents and their children took place on February 21st at the Campus Mitte, Hufelandweg 2. The rooms are intended for students and PI’s of BIOQIC, but are also open to others, with small children as well as pregnant and nursing women. The room for…

BIOQIC book “Quantification of Biophysical Parameters in Medical Imaging” available online now!

BIOQIC book “Quantification of Biophysical Parameters in Medical Imaging” available online now! The eBook can be downloaded here and  is suitable for most mobile reading devices. The book, edited by Ingolf Sack and Tobias Schaeffter, provides a selection of essential knowledge on the image-based quantification of biophysical parameters for the purpose of clinical diagnosis. The authors…

„4. Berliner Symposium zur kardialen Bildgebung“ und „Hands-on-Workshop Echokardiographie“ -16/17.03.2018

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, gleich zwei Intensiv-Veranstaltungen zur kardialen Bildgebung möchten wir Ihnen ans Herz legen: „4. Berliner Symposium zur kardialen Bildgebung“ Am Samstag, den 17. März 2018, von 8:30-15:00 Uhr findet zum vierten Mal in Folge diese Fortbildungsveranstaltung an der Berliner Charité unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Prof. Dr. med. Fabian Knebel statt.…

BIOQIC apps server for postprocessing methods in quantitative imaging is online now!

Please see https://bioqic.de/bioqic-server/ BIOQIC apps are intended as an open access environment for image processing software in the field of quantitative imaging. Processing pipelines which are of interest for other groups worldwide can be integrated to provide a growing platform for standardized image processing software. This will enable a fair and straightforward comparison of methods…