BIOQIC Days 2018

This year’s BIOQIC Days took place from 26-28 September, including a retreat to the beautiful surroundings of the Uckermark region north of Berlin. We were pleased with the high quality presentations by our PhD students and the seminars by many invited speakers who are experts in the field of medical imaging or related disciplines.  …

Lectures on MR 2018 – September 5/7 in Berlin

ESMRMB course: MR image processing – from image data to information, from September 5/ in Berlin Flyer   Course venue: Technical University Berlin/DE Course language: English Educational level: This course is intended for MR physicists, other scientists and PhD students who have already experience in basic MR methods and knowledge of MR acquisition principles, and…

1. Vollversammlung SFB 1340 „Matrix in Vision“ am 24.07.2018

Die erste Vollversammlung findet am Dienstag, den 24.07.2018 statt. Zeit:       14:00 bis 16:00 Ort:        Campus Charité Mitte, Innere Klinik, Hörsaal im Südflügel (Lageplan im Anhang) Wesentlicher Inhalt der 1. Vollversammlung ist die Wahl der Leitung des SFB 1340 und der Beauftragten für verschiedene Aufgaben. Tagesordnung Ort: Campus Charité Mitte, Innere Klinik, Hörsaal im…

Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB 1340) „Matrix in Vision“ funded!

We are very happy and proud that the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB 1340) „Matrix in Vision“ has been accepted for funding by the DFG! “Matrix in Vision” has an important complementary research focus and methodological overlap with BIOQIC. Its goal is to characterize the extracellular matrix in diseased tissue by means of imaging, for early diagnosis and…