New BIOQIC publication by Leili Riazy

BIOQIC congratulates PhD student Leili Riazy with her first authorship of the newly published paper “Porous medium 3D flow simulation of contrast media washout in cardiac MRI reflects myocardial injury” in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine!

Introduction to statistics course postponed to June 20-21

The course “Introduction to statistics’ by Professor Shravan Vasishth from Potsdam University is postponed to June 20-21 This course by the winner of the “best teacher award” for the SFB1340 Matrix in Vision Introduction lectures “Biology and Methods for ECM-targeted Imaging” in January 2019, is organized by PhD student and Matrix in Vision student representative…

Course in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (II) by Professor Tobias Schäffter starting from April 10

Each Wednesday from 10:00 – 12:00 h during the summer semester, starting from 10th of April Link   Location: Institut für Maschinenkonstruktion und Systemtechnik, Fachgebiet Medizintechnik Raum SG09-215, Dovestr. 6, 10587 Berlin Charlottenburg   MRI II (summer): This course is geared towards master students and PhD students who have visited the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)…

Renewal awarded for EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging at King’s College London and Imperial College London

Professor Julia Schnabel from King’s College London, member of the BIOQIC advisory board, would like to share the following message with you:   We are delighted to inform you that we have been awarded the renewal for our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging at King’s College London and Imperial College London, introducing our…

19-20 September – BIOQIC Days 2019

BIOQIC Days 2019 will take place from 19-20 September, based on the availabilities of the PhD students. Please fix this date into your agendas, together with the 9th NAMT from 9-11th of September! PIs: your support to the PhD students at the BIOQIC Days 2019 is very much appreciated, even if you can be present…

Lecture series ‘Career Options After PhD’

On Wednesday, February 20th, BIOQIC PhD student Yavuz O. Uca organized a lecture series ‘Career Options After PhD’ for the graduate programs ‘BIOQIC’ and ‘Matrix in Vision’ of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. We were happy for hosting Nadine Schmieder-Galfe, the Chief Financial Officer of Zellmechanik Dresden. Many thanks to Nadine for her refreshing perspectives on the…

Postdoc and PhD positions available in Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance

The Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.) at the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in the Helmholtz Association, Berlin, Germany is seeking enterprising scientists interested in the development of radiofrequency technology and imaging methodology tailored for ultrahigh field magnetic resonance (UHF-MR). For further information please see: Interested candidates should please contact: Prof. Thoralf Niendorf (,…