For publications (including conference contributions), please refer to BIOQIC in your acknowledgements:

“We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the German Research Foundation (DFG), GRK2260 BIOQIC project 289347353″

Please send all accepted papers and conference presentations to:




  • Meyer T, Huang B, Jordan J, Boehm O, Caiazzo A, Schaeffter T, Mura J, Guo J, Sack I.

Noninvasive assessment of portal pressure by combined measurement of volumetric strain and stiffness of in vivo human liver.

Acta Biomater, 2025



  • Jordan J, Jaitner N, Meyer T, Bramè L, Ghrayeb M, Köppke J, Böhm O, Klemmer Chandia S, Zaburdaev V, Chai L, Tzschätzsch H, Mura J, Braun J, Heeren Hagemann AI, Sack I

Rapid Stiffness Mapping in Soft Biologic Tissues With Micrometer Resolution Using Optical Multifrequency Time-Harmonic Elastography

Adv Sci (Weinh). , 2024


  • Melnyk O, Quellmalz M, Steidl G, Jaitner N, Jordan J, Sack I

Time-harmonic optical flow with applications in elastography

Inverse Problems, 2024


  • Meyer T, Castelein J, Schattenfroh J, Morr A S, Vieira da Silva R, Tzschätzsch H, Reiter R, Guo J, Sack I

Magnetic resonance elastography in a nutshell: Tomographic imaging of soft tissue viscoelasticity for detecting and staging disease with a focus on inflammation

Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc., 2024


  • Klemmer Chandía S, Schattenfroh J, Brinker S T, Tzschätzsch H, Sack I, Meyer T.

Multimodal assessment of brain stiffness variation in healthy subjects using magnetic resonance elastography and ultrasound time-harmonic elastography

Scientific Report, 2024


  • Guo J, Krehl K, Safraou Y, Wallach Y, Braun J, Meierhofer D, Sack I, Berndt N

Pregnancy alters fatty acid metabolism, glucose regulation, and detoxification of the liver in synchrony with biomechanical property changes

Heliyon, 2024


  • Janas A, Jordan J, Bertalan G, Meyer T, Bukatz J, Sack I, Senger C, Nieminen-Kelhä M, Brandenburg S, Kremenskaia I, Krantchev K, Al-Rubaiey S, Mueller S, Koch S P, Boehm-Sturm P, Reiter R, Zips D, Vajkoczy P, Acker G.

In vivo characterization of brain tumor biomechanics: magnetic resonance elastography in intracranial B16 melanoma and GL261 glioma mouse models

Frontiers in Oncology, 2024


  • Meyer T, Anders M, Pietzcker A Z, Marvin Doyley, Görner S, Böhm O, Engl P, Safraou Y, Braun J, Sack I, Tzschätzsch H

Rapid wideband characterization of viscoelastic material properties by Bessel function-based time harmonic ultrasound elastography (B-THE)

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2024


  • Meyer T, Wellge B, Barzen G, Chandia S K, Knebel F, Hahn K, Elgeti T, Fischer T, Braun J, Tzschätzsch H, Sack I

Cardiac Elastography with External Vibration for Quantification of Diastolic Myocardial Stiffness

Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2024


  • Manini C, Hüllebrand M, Walczak L, Nordmeyer S, Jarmatz L, Kuehne T, et al.

Impact of training data composition on the generalizability of CNN aortic cross section segmentation in 4D Flow MRI

J Cardiovasc Magn Reson., 2024


  • Bayerl C, Safraou Y, Reiter R, Proß V, Lehmann K, Kühl A A, Shahryari M, Hamm B, Sack I, Makowski M R, Braun J, Asbach P

Investigation of hepatic inflammation via viscoelasticity at low and high mechanical frequencies – A magnetic resonance elastography study

J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 2024


  • Bergs J, Morr A S, Silva R V, Infante-Duarte C, Sack I

The Networking Brain: How Extracellular Matrix, Cellular Networks, and Vasculature Shape the In Vivo Mechanical Properties of the Brain

Adv Sci (Weinh), 2024


  • Ro S R, Loch F N, Siegmund B, Kühl A A, Neumann G M, Hamm B, Braun J, Sack I, Reiter R

Effects of oral contrast agent on the viscoelastic properties of the terminal ileum investigated using magnetic resonance elastography

Quant Imaging Med Surg., 2024


  • Rahlfs H, Hüllebrand M, Schmitter S, Strecker C, Harloff A, Hennemuth A

Learning carotid vessel wall segmentation in black-blood MRI using sparsely sampled cross-sections from 3D data

JMI, 2024


  • Silva R V, Morr A S, Herthum H, Koch S P, Mueller S, Batzdorf C S, Bertalan G, Meyer T, Tzschätzsch H, Kühl A A, Boehm-Sturm P, Braun J, Scheel M, Paul F, Infante-Duarte C, Sack I

Cortical matrix remodeling as a hallmark of relapsing-remitting neuroinflammation in MR elastography and quantitative MRI

Acta Neuropathol., 2024


  • Yang Y, Shahryari M, Meyer T, Marticorena Garcia S R, Görner S, Salimi M, Guo J, Braun J, Sack I, Tzschätzsch H

Explorative study using ultrasound time-harmonic elastography for stiffness-based quantification of skeletal muscle function

Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 2024


  • Kader A, Snellings J, Adams L C, Gottheil P, Mangarova D B, Heyl J L, Kaufmann J O, Moeckel J, Brangsch J, Auer T A, Collettini F, Sauer F, Hamm B, Käs J, Sack I, Makowski M R, Braun J.

Sensitivity of magnetic resonance elastography to extracellular matrix and cell motility in human prostate cancer cell line-derived xenograft models

Biomater Adv., 2024


  • Braun J, Bernarding J, Snellings J, Meyer T, Dantas de Moraes P A, Safraou Y, Wells R G, Guo J, Tzschätzsch H, Zappe A, Pagel K, Sauer I M, Hillebrandt K H, Sack I.

On the relationship between viscoelasticity and water diffusion in soft biological tissues

Acta Biomater, 2024


  • Biavati F, Saba L, Boussoussou M, Kofoed K F, Benedek T, Donnelly P, Rodríguez-Palomares J, Erglis A, Štěchovský C, Šakalytė G, Čemerlić Ađić N, Gutberlet M, Dodd J D, Diez I, Davis G, Zimmermann E, Kępka C, Vidakovic R, Francone M, Ilnicka-Suckiel M, Plank F, Knuuti J, Faria R, Schröder S, Berry C, Ruzsics B, Rieckmann N, Kubiak C, Schultz Hansen K, Müller-Nordhor J M, Maurovich-Horvat P, Sigvardsen P E, Benedek I, Orr C, Valente F X, Zvaigzne L, Suchánek V, Jankauskas A, Ađić F, Woinke M, Cadogan D, Lecumberri I, Thwaite E, Kruk M, Neskovic A N, Mancone M, Kuśmierz D, Feuchtner G, Pietilä M, Gama Ribeiro V, Drosch T, Delles C, Cau R, Fisher M, Merkely B, Kragelund C,  Aurelian R, Kelly S, García del Blanco B, Rubio A, Szilveszter B, Hove J D, Rodean I, Regan S, Calabria H C, Édes  IF, Larsen L, Hodas R , Napp A E, Haase R, Feger S, Mohamed M, Serna-Higuita L M, Neumann K, Dreger H, Rief M, Wieske V, Budoff M J, Estrella M, Martus P, Bosserdt M, Dewey M , The DISCHARGE Trial Group1

Coronary Artery Calcium Score Predicts Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Stable Chest Pain

Radiology, 2024


  • Degenhardt K. , Schmidt S., Aigner C S , Kratzer F J, Seiter D P , Mueller M , Kolbitsch C, Nagel A M, Wieben O, Schaeffter T, Schulz-Menger J, Schmitter S

Toward accurate and fast velocity quantification with 3D ultrashort TE phase-contrast imaging

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2024


  • Föllmer B, Williams M C, Dey D, Arbab-Zadeh A, Maurovich-Horvat P, Volleberg R H J A, Rueckert D, Schnabel J A, Newby D E, Dweck M R,Guagliumi G, Falk V, Aldo J. Mézquita V, Biavati F, Ivana Išgum I & Dewey M

Roadmap on the use of artificial intelligence for imaging of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque in coronary arteries

Nature Reviews Cardiology, 2024



  • Manini C, Nemchyna O, Akansel S, Walczak L, Tautz L, Kolbitsch C, et al.

A simulation-based phantom model for generating synthetic mitral valve image data-application to MRI acquisition planning.

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg., 2023


  • Baitullin A, Claude G, Sucena SF, Nisli E, Scholz C, Bhardwaj P, Amthauer H, Brenner W, Geppert C, Gorges C, Abram U, Ivo da Silva Maia P and Spreckelmeyer S

Metallacages with 2,6‑dipicolinoylbis (N,N‑dialkylthioureas) as novel platforms in nuclear medicine for 68Ga, 177Lu and 198Au

EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry, 2023


  • Almutawakel S, Halleck F, Dürr M, Grittner U, Schrezenmeier E, Budde K, Althoff CE, Hamm B, Sack I, Fischer T, Marticorena Garcia S R

Shear Wave Elastography for Assessing Liver Stiffness in HCV-Infected Kidney Transplant Recipients after Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment: A Comparative Study with Magnetic ResonanceElastography

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023


  • Kerkering K M, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Motion‐corrected model‐based reconstruction for 2D myocardial T1 mapping

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2023


  • Dejene M E, Brenner W, Makowski M R, Kolbitsch C

Unified Bayesian network for uncertainty quantification of physiological parameters in dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI of the liver

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2023


  • Anders M, Meyer T, Warmuth C, Pfeuffer J, Tzschaetzsch H, Herthum H, Shahryari M, Degenhardt K, Wieben O, Schmitter S, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Braun J, Sack I
  • Sauer F, Grosser S, Shahryari M, Hayn A, Guo J, Braun J, Briest S, Wolf B, Aktas B, Horn L.-C., Sack I, Käs J

Changes in Tissue Fluidity Predict Tumor Aggressiveness In Vivo

Advanced Science, 2023


  • Safraou Y, Krehl K, Meyer T, Mehrgan S, Jordan JEL, Tzschätzsch H, Fischer T, Asbach P, Braun J, Sack I, Guo J,

The influence of static portal pressure on liver biophysical properties

Acta Biomaterialia, 2023


  • Brahma S, Kolbitsch C, Martin J, Schaeffter T, Kofler A

Data-efficient Bayesian learning for radial dynamic MR reconstruction

Med Phys., 2023


  • Vázquez Mézquita A J, Biavati F, Falk V, Alkadhi H, Hajhosseiny R, Maurovich-Horvat P, Manka R, Kozerke S, Stuber M, Derlin T, Channon K M, Išgum I, Coenen A, Foellmer B, Dey D, Volleberg R H J A, Meinel F G, Dweck M R, Piek J J, van de Hoef T, Landmesser U, Guagliumi G, Giannopoulos A A, Botnar  RM, Khamis R, Williams M C, Newby D E, Dewey M

Clinical quantitative coronary artery stenosis and coronary atherosclerosis imaging: a Consensus Statement from the Quantitative Cardiovascular Imaging Study Group

Nat Rev Cardiol., 2023


  • Guo J, Savic L, Hillebrandt K, Sack I

MR Elastography in Cancer

Invest Radiol., 2023


  • Hadler T, Ammann C, Wetzl  J, Viezzer D, Gröschel J, Fenski  M, Abazi E, Lange S, Hennemuth A, Schulz-Menger J

Lazy Luna: Extendible software for multilevel reader comparison in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Comput Methods Programs Biomed., 2023


  • Ammann C, Hadler T, Gröschel J, Kolbitsch C, Schulz-Menger J

Multilevel comparison of deep learning models for function quantification in cardiovascular magnetic resonance: On the redundancy of architectural variations

Front Cardiovasc Med., 2023


  • Claude G, Kulitzki E, Hagenbach A, Roca Jungfer M, Figueroa J, Abram U

Phenylimido Complexes of Rhenium: Fluorine Substituents Provide Protection, Reactivity and Solubility

Dalton Transactions, 2023


  • Shahryari M, Keller S, Meierhofer D, Wallach I, Safraou Y, Guo J, Marticorena Garcia S, Braun J, Makowski M, Sack I, Berndt N

On the relationship between metabolic capacities and in vivo viscoelastic properties of the liver

Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2023


  • Bertalan G, Becker J, Tzschätzsch H, Morr A, Herthum H, Shahryari M, Greenhalgh R, Guo J, Schröder L, Alzheimer C, Budday S,  Franze K, Braun J, Sack I

Mechanical behavior of the hippocampus and corpus callosum: An attempt to reconcile ex vivo with in vivo and micro with macro properties

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2023


  • Ludwig J, Kerkering K M, Speier P, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Pilot tone-based prospective correction of respiratory motion for free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2023



  • Guo J, Marticorena Garcia S, Sack I

Summary and overview of the first ISMRM workshop on magnetic resonance elastography, August 25–26, 2022, Berlin, Germany

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022


  • Claude G, Zeh L, Roca Jungfer M, Hagenbach A, Figueroa J, Abram U

The Chemistry of Phenylimidotechnetium(V) Complexes with Isocyanides: Steric and Electronic Factors

Molecules, 2022


  • Herthum H, Hetzer S, Kreft B, Tzschätzsch H, Shahryari M, Meyer T, Görner S, Neubauer H, Guo J, Braun J, Sack I

Cerebral tomoelastography based on multifrequency MR elastography in two and three dimensions

Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2022


  • Hufnagel S, Metzner S, Kerkering K, Aigner C, Kofler A, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

3D model-based super-resolution motion-corrected cardiac T1 mapping

Phys. Med. Biol., 2022


  • Föllmer B, Biavati F, Wald C, Stober S, Ma J, Dewey M, Samek W

Active multi-task learning with uncertainty weighted loss for coronary calcium scoring

Medical Physics, 2022


  • Mayer J, Blaszczyk E, Cipriani A, Ferrazzi G, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Cardio-respiratory motion-corrected 3D cardiac water-fat MRI using model-based image reconstruction

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022


  • Krueger F, Aigner C, Hammernik K, Dietrich S, Lutz M, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

Rapid estimation of 2D relative B1+-maps from localizers in the human heart at 7T using deep learning

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022
  • Claude G, Weh D, Hagenbach A, Figueroa J, Abram U

Rhenium Complexes with p-Fluorophenylisocyanide

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2022
  • Morr A, Nowicki M, Bertalan G, Vieira Silva R, Infante Duarte C, Koch S , Boehm-Sturm P, Krügel U, Braun J, Steiner B, Käs J, FuhsT , Sack I 

Mechanical properties of murine hippocampal subregions investigated by atomic force microscopy and in vivo magnetic resonance elastography

Sci Rep., 2022


  • Meyer T, Marticorena Garcia S, Tzschätzsch H, Herthum H, Shahryari M, Stencel L, Braun J, Kalra P, Kolipaka A, Sack I

Comparison of inversion methods in MR elastography: An open-access pipeline for processing multifrequency shear-wave data and demonstration in a phantom, human kidneys, and brain

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022


  • Meyer T, Tzschätzsch H, Wellge B, Sack I, Kröncke T, Martl A

Valsalva Maneuver Decreases Liver and Spleen Stiffness Measured by Time-Harmonic Ultrasound Elastography

Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2022


  • Claude G, Genz J, Weh D, Jungfer M, Hagenbach A, Gembicky M, Figueroa J, Abram U

Mixed-Isocyanide Complexes of Technetium under Steric and Electronic Control

Inorganic Chemistry, 2022


  • Snellings J, Keshi E, Tang P, Daneshgar A, Willma EC, Haderer L, Klein O, Krenzien F, Malinka T, Asbach P, Pratschke J, Sauer IM, Braun J, Sack I, Hillebrandt K.

Solid fraction determines stiffness and viscosity in decellularized pancreatic tissues

Biomaterials Advances, 2022


  • Lin H, Wang Y, Zhou J, Yang Y, Xu X, Ma D, Chen Y, Yang C, Sack I, Guo J, Li R, Yan F
    Tomoelastography based on multifrequency MR elastography predicts liver function reserve in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study

Insights into Imaging, 2022


  • DISCHARGE Trial Group

Comparative effectiveness of initial computed tomography and invasive coronary angiography in women and men with stable chest pain and suspected coronary artery disease: multicentre randomised trial

BMJ, 2022


  • The DISCHARGE Trial Group (Pál Maurovich-Horvat, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Maria Bosserdt, Ph.D., Klaus F. Kofoed, M.D., D.M.Sc., Nina Rieckmann, Ph.D., Theodora Benedek, M.D., Ph.D., Patrick Donnelly, M.D., José Rodriguez-Palomares, M.D., Ph.D., Andrejs Erglis, M.D., Cyril Štěchovský, M.D., Gintare Šakalyte, M.D., Nada Čemerlić Adić, M.D., Matthias Gutberlet, M.D., Ph.D., Jonathan D. Dodd, M.D., Ignacio Diez, M.D., Gershan Davis, M.D., Elke Zimmermann, M.D., Cezary Kępka, M.D., Radosav Vidakovic, M.D., Ph.D., Marco Francone, M.D., Ph.D., Małgorzata Ilnicka-Suckiel, M.D., Ph.D., Fabian Plank, M.D., Ph.D., Juhani Knuuti, M.D., Rita Faria, M.D., Stephen Schröder, M.D., Colin Berry, M.D., Luca Saba, M.D., Balazs Ruzsics, M.D., Ph.D., Christine Kubiak, Ph.D., Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea, Ph.D., Kristian Schultz Hansen, Ph.D., Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn, M.D., M.P.H., Bela Merkely, M.D., Ph.D., Andreas D. Knudsen, M.D., Ph.D., Imre Benedek, M.D., Ph.D., Clare Orr, M.D., Filipa Xavier Valente, M.D., Ph.D., Ligita Zvaigzne, M.D., Vojtěch Suchánek, M.D., Laura Zajančkauskiene, M.D., Filip Adić, M.D., Michael Woinke, M.D., Mark Hensey, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., Iñigo Lecumberri, M.D., Erica Thwaite, M.D., Michael Laule, M.D., Mariusz Kruk, M.D., Aleksandar N. Neskovic, M.D., Ph.D., Massimo Mancone, M.D., Donata Kuśmierz, M.D., Gudrun Feuchtner, M.D., Mikko Pietilä, M.D., Ph.D., Vasco Gama Ribeiro, M.D., Tanja Drosch, M.D., Christian Delles, M.D., Gildo Matta, M.D., Michael Fisher, M.D., Ph.D., Bálint Szilveszter, M.D., Ph.D., Linnea Larsen, M.D., Ph.D., Mihaela Ratiu, M.D., Ph.D., Stephanie Kelly, B.Sc., Bruno Garcia del Blanco, M.D., Ph.D., Ainhoa Rubio, M.D., Zsófia D. Drobni, M.D., Birgit Jurlander, M.D., Ph.D., Ioana Rodean, M.D., Susan Regan, B.Sc., Hug Cuéllar Calabria, M.D., Ph.D., Melinda Boussoussou, M.D., Thomas Engstrøm, M.D., D.M.Sc., Roxana Hodas, M.D., Adriane E. Napp, Ph.D., Robert Haase, M.D., Sarah Feger, M.D., Lina M. Serna-Higuita, M.D., Konrad Neumann, Ph.D., Henryk Dreger, M.D., Matthias Rief, M.D., Viktoria Wieske, M.D., Melanie Estrella, Ph.D., Peter Martus, Ph.D., and Marc Dewey, M.D.)

CT or Invasive Coronary Angiography in Stable Chest Pain

The New England Journal of Medicine, 2022


  • Hadler T, Wetzl J, Lange S, Geppert C, Fenski M, Abazi E, Gröschel J, Ammann C, Wenson F, Töpper A, Däuber S, Schulz-Menger J

Introduction of Lazy Luna an automatic software-driven multilevel comparison of ventricular function quantification in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Scientific Reports, 2022


  • Bhol M, Claude G, Jungfer MR, Abram U, Sathiyendiran M

Calix[4]arene-Analogous Technetium Supramolecules

Inorg. Chem., 2022


  • Herthum H, Carrillo H, Osses A, Uribe S, Sack I, Bertoglio C

Multiple motion encoding in phase-contrast MRI: A general theory and application to elastography imaging

Medical Image Analysis, 2022


  • Jordan J, Bertalan G, Meyer T, Tzschätzsch H, Gauert A, Bramè L, Herthum H, Safraou Y, Schröder L, Braun J, Hagemann A, Sack I

Microscopic multifrequency MR elastography for mapping viscoelasticity in zebrafish

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022


  • Batzdorf CS, Morr AS, Bertalan G, Sack I, Silva RV, Infante-Duarte C

Sexual Dimorphism in Extracellular Matrix Composition and Viscoelasticity of the Healthy and Inflamed Mouse Brain

Biology (Basel), 2022


  • Morr AS, Herthum H, Schrank F, Görner S, Anders MS, Lerchbaumer M, Müller HP, Fischer T, Jenderka KV, Hansen HHG, Janmey PA, Braun J, Sack I, Tzschätzsch H

Liquid-Liver Phantom: Mimicking the Viscoelastic Dispersion of Human Liver for Ultrasound- and MRI-Based Elastography

Invest Radiol., 2022


  • Aigner CS, Dietrich S, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

Calibration-free pTx of the human heart at 7T via 3D universal pulses

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022


  • Aigner C, Dietrich S, Schmitter S

Respiration induced B+1 changes and their impact on universal and tailored 3D kT-point parallel transmission pulses for 7T cardiac imaging

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022


  • Dietrich S, Aigner CS, Mayer J, Kolbitsch C, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

Motion-compensated fat-water imaging for 3D cardiac MRI at ultra-high fields

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022





  • Gültekin E, Wetz C, Braun J, Geisel D, Furth C, Hamm B, Sack I, Marticorena Garcia SR

Added Value of Tomoelastography for Characterization of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Aggressiveness Based on Stiffness

Cancers (Basel), 2021


  • Oala L, Heiß C, Macdonald J, März M, Kutyniok G, Samek W

Detecting failure modes in image reconstructions with interval neural network uncertainty

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2021 Dec;16(12):2089-2097


  • Kratz H, Mohtashamdolatshahi A, Eberbeck D, Kosch O, Wiekhorst F, Taupitz M, Hamm B, Stolzenburg N, Schnorr J

Tailored Magnetic Multicore Nanoparticles for Use as Blood Pool MPI Tracers

Nanomaterials, 2021


  • Laskowski D, Feger S, Bosserdt M, Zimmermann E, Mohamed M, Kendziora B, Rief M, Dreger H, Estrella M, Dewey M

Detection of relevant extracardiac findings on coronary computed tomography angiography vs. invasive coronary angiography

Eur Radiol., 2022


  •  Werner P, Taupitz M, Schröder L, Schuenke P

An NMR relaxometry approach for quantitative investigation of the transchelation of gadolinium ions from GBCAs to a competing macromolecular chelator

Scientific Reports, 2021


  • Herthum H, Shahryari M, Tzschätzsch H, Schrank F, Warmuth C, Görner S, Hetzer S, Neubauer H, Pfeuffer J, Braun J, Sack I

Real-time multifrequency MR elastography of the human brain reveals rapid changes in viscoelasticity in response to the Valsalva maneuver

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021


  • Jacobi A, Ariza de Schellenberger A, Herbig M, Uca YO, Guck J, Sack I

Real-time deformability cytometry detects leukocyte stiffening after gadolinium-based contrast agent exposure

Investigative Radiology, 2021


  • Ippoliti M, Lukas M, Brenner W, Schatka I, Furth C, Schaeffter T, Makowski MR, Kolbitsch C

Respiratory motion correction for enhanced quantification of hepatic lesions in simultaneous PET and DCE-MR imaging

Physics and Engineering in Medicine, 2021


  • Chen D, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C, Kofler A

Ground-truth-free deep learning for artefacts reduction in 2D radial cardiac cine MRI using a synthetically generated dataset

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2021


  • Marticorena Garcia SR, Althoff CE, Dürr M, Halleck F, Budde K, Grittner U, Burkhardt C, Jöhrens K, Braun J, Fischer T, Hamm B, Sack I, Guo J

Tomoelastography for Longitudinal Monitoring of Viscoelasticity Changes in the Liver and in Renal Allografts after Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment in 15 Kidney Transplant Recipients with Chronic HCV Infection

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021


  • Zhao J, Kader A, Mangarova DB, Brangsch J, Brenner W, Hamm B, Makowski MR

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Prostate Lesions of Simultaneous [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI: Comparison between Intraprostatic Lesions and Correlation between Perfusion Parameters

Cancers, 2021


  • Prezado Y, Hirayama R, Matsufuji N, Inaniwa T, Martínez-Rovira I, Seksek O,  Bertho A, Koike S, Labiod D, Pouzoulet F, Polledo L, Warfving N, Liens A, Bergs J, Shimokawa T

A Potential Renewed Use of Very Heavy Ions for Therapy: Neon Minibeam Radiation Therapy

Cancers,  2021


  • Mayer J, Wurster T, Schaeffter T, Landmesser U, Morguet A, Bigalke B, Hamm B, Brenner W, Makowski M, Kolbitsch C

Imaging coronary plaques using 3D motion-compensated [18F]NaF PET/MR

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2021


  • Kreft B, Bergs J, Shahryari M, Danyel L, Hetzer S, Braun J, Sack I, Tzschätzsch H

Cerebral Ultrasound Time-Harmonic Elastography Reveals Softening of the Human Brain Due to Dehydration

Frontiers in Physiology, 2021


  • Waeldchen S, Macdonald J, Hauch S, Kutyniok G

The Computational Complexity of Understanding Binary Classifier Decisions

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2021


  • Ludwig J, Speier P, Seifert F, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Pilot tone–based motion correction for prospective respiratory compensated cardiac cine MRI

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021


  • Lilaj L, Fischer T, Guo J, Braun J, Sack I, Hirsch S

Separation of fluid and solid shear wave fields and quantification of coupling density by magnetic resonance poroelastography

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021


  • Herthum H, Dempsey SCH, Samani A, Schrank F, Shahryari M, Warmuth C, Tzschätzsch H, Braun J, Sack I

Superviscous properties of the in vivo brain at large scales

Acta Biomaterialia, 2021


  • Aigner CS, Dietrich S, Schmitter S

Three-dimensional static and dynamic parallel transmission of the human heart at 7 T

NMR in Biomedicine, 2021


  • Dietrich S, Aigner CS, Kolbitsch C, Mayer J, Ludwig J, Schmidt S, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

3D Free-breathing multichannel absolute B+1 Mapping in the human body at 7T

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021


  • Hudert CA, Tzschätzsch H, Rudolph B, Loddenkemper C, Holzhütter HG, Kalveram L, Wiegan S, Braun J, Sack I, Guo J

How histopathologic changes in pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases influence in vivo liver stiffness

Acta Biomater, 2021


  • Mayer J, Wurster T, Schaeffter T, Landmesser U, Morguet A, Bigalke B, Hamm B, Brenner W, Makowski M, Kolbitsch C

Imaging coronary plaques using 3D motion-compensated [18F]NaF PET/MR

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2021


  • Kreft B, Bergs J, Shahryari M, Danyel L, Hetzer S, Braun J, Sack I, Tzschätzsch H

Cerebral Ultrasound Time-Harmonic Elastography Reveals Softening of the Human Brain Due to Dehydration

Front Physiol, 2021





  • Hertum H, SCH Dempsey, Samani A, Schrank F, Shahryari M, Warmuth C, Tzschätzsch H, Braun J, Sack I

Superviscous properties of the in vivo brain at large scales

Acta Biomaterialia, 2020


  • Aigner CS, Dietrich S, Schmitter S

Three-dimensional static and dynamic parallel transmission of the human heart at 7 T

NMR in Biomedicine, 2020


  • Dietrich S, Aigner CS, Kolbitsch C, Mayer J, Ludwig J, Schmidt S, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

3D Free-breathing multichannel absolute B+1 Mapping in the human body at 7T

Magn Reson Med, 2020


  • Zhao J , Hamm B, Brenner W, Makowski M

Lesion-to-background ratio threshold value of SUVmax of simultaneous [ 68 Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI imaging in patients with prostate cancer

Insights Imaging 2020


  • Garczynska K, Tzschätzsch H Kühl AA, Morr AS, Lilay L, Häckel A, Schellenberger E, Berndt N, Holzhütter HG, Braun J, Sack I, Guo J

Changes in Liver Mechanical Properties and Water Diffusivity During Normal Pregnancy Are Driven by Cellular Hypertrophy

Front Physiol 2020


  •  Zhao J, Mangarova D. B, Brangsch J, Kader A, Hamm B, Brenner W, Makowski M

Correlation between Intraprostatic PSMA Uptake and MRI PI-RADS of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI in Patients with Prostate Cancer: Comparison of PI-RADS Version 2.0 and PI-RADS Version 2.1

Cancers 2020


  • Shahryari M, Meyer T, Warmuth C, Herthum H, Bertalan G, Tzschätzsch H, Stencel L, Lukas S, Lilaj L, Braun J, Sack I

Reduction of breathing artifacts in multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography of the abdomen.

Magn Reson Med 2020


  • Uca Y, Hallmann D, Hesse B, Seim C, Stolzenburg N, Pietsch H, Schnorr J, Taupitz M

Microdistribution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents in Atherosclerotic Plaques Determined by LA-ICP-MS and SR-μXRF Imaging

Mol Imaging Biol 2020


  • Dewey M, Siebes M, Kachelrieß M, Kofoed K, Maurovich-Horvat P, Nikolaou K, Bai W, Kofler A, Manka R, Kozerke S, Chiribiri A, Schaeffter T, Michallek F, Bengel F, Nekolla S, Knaapen P, Lubberink M, Senior R, Tang M, Piek J, van de Hoef T, Martens J, Schreiber L

Clinical quantitative cardiac imaging for the assessment of myocardial ischaemia

Nature reviews cardiology 2020


  • Kofler A, Haltmeier M, Schaeffter T, Kachelrieß M, Dewey M, Wald C, Kolbitsch

Neural networks-based regularization for large-scale medical image reconstruction

Physics in Medicine & Biology 2020


  • Wink C, Bassenge J, Ferrazzi G, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

4D flow imaging with UNFOLD in a reduced FOV.

Magn Reson Med. 2020


  • Paysen H, Loewa N, Stach A, Wells J, Kosch O, Twamley S, Makowski M, Schaeffter T, Ludwig A, Wiekhorst F

Cellular uptake of magnetic nanoparticles imaged and quantified by magnetic particle imaging.

Scientific Reports 2020


  • Mangarova D, Brangsch J, Mohtashamdolatshahi A, Kosch O, Paysen H, Wiekhorst F, Klopfleisch R, Buchholz R, Karst U, Taupitz M

Ex vivo magnetic particle imaging of vascular inflammation in abdominal aortic aneurysm in a murine model

Scientific Reports 2020


  • Ferrazzi G. Bassenge J, Mayer J, Ruh A, Roujol S, Ittermann B, Schaeffter T, Cordero-Grande L, Schmitter S

Autocalibrated cardiac tissue phase mapping with multiband imaging and k-t acceleration

Magn Reson Med 2020


  • Mohtashamdolatshahi A, Kratz H, Kosch O, Hauptmann R, Stolzenburg N, Wiekhorst F, Sack I, Hamm B, Taupitz M, Schnorr J

In vivo magnetic particle imaging: angiography of inferior vena cava and aorta in rats using newly developed multicore particles

Scientific Reports 2020

  • Aldoj N, Biavati F, Michallek F, Stober S, Dewey M

Automatic prostate and prostate zones segmentation of magnetic resonance images using DenseNet-like U-net

Scientific Reports 2020


  • Grunwald A, Scholtysik C, Hagenbach A, Abram U

One Ligand, One Metal, Seven Oxidation States: Stable Technetium Complexes with the “Kläui Ligand”

Inorg Chem. 2020


  • Mayer J, Brown R, Thielemans K, Ovtchinnikov E, Pasca E, Atkinson D, Gillman A, Marsden P, Ippoliti M, Makowski M, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Flexible numerical simulation framework for dynamic PET-MR data

Physics in Medicine & Biology 2020


  • Asbach P, Ro SR, Aldoj N, Snellings J, Reiter R, Lenk J, Köhlitz T, Haas M, Guo J, Hamm B, Braun J, Sack I

In Vivo Quantification of Water Diffusion, Stiffness, and Tissue Fluidity in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer

Invest Radiol. 2020


  • Schaafs LA, Schrank F, Warmuth C, Steffen IG, Braun J, Hamm B, Sack I, Elgeti T

Steady-State Multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Thoracic and Abdominal Human Aorta-Validation and Reference Values

Invest Radiol. 2020

  • Mura J, Schrank F, Sack I

An analytical solution to the dispersion-by-inversion problem in magnetic resonance elastography

Magn Reson Med. 2020


  • Kofler A, Dewey M, Schaeffter T, Wald C, Kolbitsch C

Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Based Undersampling Artefact Reduction for 2D Radial Cine MRI With Limited Training Data



  • Kreft B, Tzschätzsch H, Schrank F, Bergs J, Streitberger KJ, Wäldchen S, Hetzer S, Braun J, Sack I

Time-Resolved Response of Cerebral Stiffness to Hypercapnia in Humans

Ultrasound Med Biol 2020


  • Ovtchinnikov E, Brown R, Kolbitsch C,  Pasca E, Costa-Luis C, Gillman AG, Thomas BA, Efthimiou N, Mayer J, Wadhwa P, Ehrhardt MJ, Ellis S, Jørgensen JS, Matthews J, Prieto C, Reader AJ, Tsoumpas C, Turner M, Atkinson D, Thielemans K

SIRF: Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework

Computer Physics Communications 2020


  • Burkhardt C, Tzschätzsch H, Schmuck R, Bahra M, Jürgensen C, Pelzer U, Hamm B, Braun J, Sack I, Marticorena Garcia SR

Ultrasound Time-Harmonic Elastography of the Pancreas: Reference Values and Clinical Feasibility

Invest Radiol 2020


  • Wang S, Millward JM, Hanke-Vela L, Malla B, Pilch K, Gil-Infante A, Waiczies S, Mueller S, Boehm-Sturm P, Guo J, Sack I, Infante-Duarte C

MR Elastography-Based Assessment of Matrix Remodeling at Lesion Sites Associated Clinical Severity in a Model of Multiple Sclerosis

Front Neurol 2020


  • Lilaj L, Fischer T, Guo J, Braun J, Sack I, Hirsch S

Separation of fluid and solid shear wave fields and quantification of coupling density by magnetic resonance poroelastography

Magn Reson Med 2020


  • Marticorena Garcia S, Zhu L, Gültekin E, Schmuck R, Burkhardt C, Bahra M, Geisel D, Shahryari M, Braun J, Hamm B, Jin Z, Sack I, Guo J

Tomoelastography for Measurement of Tumor Volume Related to Tissue Stiffness in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas

Invest Radiol 2020


  • Uca Y, Taupitz M

Glycosaminoglycans as Novel Targets for in vivo Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerosis

J Cardiol Cardiovasc Med 2020




  • Schaafs LA, Tzschätzsch H, Steffen IG, Braun J, Hamm B, Sack I, Elgeti T

Quantification of Aortic Stiffness by Ultrasound Time-Harmonic Elastography: The Effect of Intravascular Pressure on Elasticity Measures in a Porcine Model

Invest Radiol 2019


  • Kratz H, Mohtashamdolatshahi A, Eberbeck D, Kosch O, Hauptmann R, Wiekhorst F, Taupitz M, Hamm B, Schnorr, J

MPI Phantom Study with A High-Performing Multicore Tracer Made by Coprecipitation

Nanomaterials 2019


  • Ferrazzi G, Bassenge J, Wink C, Ruh A, Markl M, Moeller S, Metzger G, Ittermann B, Schmitter S

Autocalibrated multiband CAIPIRINHA with through‐time encoding: proof of principle and application to cardiac tissue phase mapping

Magnetic resonance in medicine 2019


  • Chae W, Niesel K, Schulz M, Klemm F, Joyce J, Prümmer M, Brill B, Bergs J, Rödel F, Pilatus U, Sevenich L

Evaluating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a Tool for Monitoring Therapeutic Response of Whole Brain Radiotherapy in a Mouse Model for Breast-to-Brain Metastasis

Front Oncol 2019


  • Streitberger K*, Lilaj L*, Schrank F, Braun J, Hoffmann K, Reiss-Zimmermann M, Käs J, Sack I

*Both authors contributed equally to this manuscript

How tissue fluidity influences brain tumor progression

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2019


  • Shahryari M, Tzschätzsch H, Guo J, Rodrigo Marticorena Garcia S, Böning G, Fehrenbach U, Stencel L, Asbach P, Hamm B, Käs JA, Braun J, Denecke T, Sack I

Tomoelastography distinguishes non-invasively between benign and malignant liver lesions

Cancer Research 2019


  • Bertalan G, Klein C, Schreyer S, Steiner B, Kreft B, Tzschätzsch H, Ariza de Schellenberger A, Braun J, Guo J, Sack

Biomechanical properties of the hypoxic and dying brain quantified by magnetic resonance elastography

Acta Biomaterialia 2019
  • Schrank F, Warmuth C, Görner S, Meyer T, Tzschätzsch H, Guo J, Oguz Uca Y, Elgeti T, Braun J, Sack I

Real-time magnetic resonance elastography for viscoelasticity quantification in skeletal muscle during dynamic exercises

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019


  • Becker KM, Blaszczyk E, Funk S, Nuesslein A, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Fast myocardial T1 mapping using cardiac motion correction

Magn Reson Med 2019


  • Becker KM, Schulz-Menger J, Schaeffter T, Kolbitsch C

Simultaneous high-resolution cardiac T1 mapping and cine imaging using model-based iterative image reconstruction

Magn Reson Med 2019


  • Hetzer S, Hirsch S, Braun J, Sack I, Weygandt M

Viscoelasticity of striatal brain areas reflects variations in body mass index of lean to overweight male adults

Brain Imaging and Behavior 2019


  • Aldoj N, Lukas S, Dewey M, Penzkofer T

Semi-automatic classification of prostate cancer on multi-parametric MR imaging using a multi-channel 3D convolutional neural network

European Radiology 2019


  • Guo J, Bertalan G, Meierhofer D, Klein C, Schreyer S, Steiner B, Wang S, Vieira da Silva R, Infante-Duarte C, Koch S, Boehm-Sturm P, Braun J, Sack I

Brain maturation is associated with increasing tissue stiffness and decreasing tissue fluidity

Acta Biomater 2019


  • Marticorena Garcia S, Hamm B, Sack I

Tomoelastography for non-invasive detection and treatment monitoring in acute appendicitis

BMJ Case Rep 2019


  • Ippoliti M, Lukas M, Brenner W, Schaeffter T, Makowski MR, Kolbitsch C

3D nonrigid motion correction for quantitative assessment of hepatic lesions in DCE‐MRI

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019


  • Schaafs L, Tzschätzsch H, Reshetnik A, van der Giet M, Braun J, Hamm B, Sack I, Elgeti T

Ultrasound Time-Harmonic Elastography of the Aorta – Effect of Age and Hypertension on Aortic Stiffness

Investigative Radiology 2019


  • Kofler A, Dewey M, Schaeffter T, Wald C, Kolbitsch C

Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Based Undersampling Artefact Reduction for 2D Radial Cine MRI with Limited Data

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2019


  • Grossmann M, Tzschätzsch H, Lang ST, Guo J, Bruns A, Dürr M, Hoyer BF, Grittner U, Lerchbaumer M, Nguyen Trong M, Schultz M, Hamm B, Braun J, Sack I, Marticorena Garcia SR

US Time-Harmonic Elastography for the Early Detection of Glomerulonephritis

Radiology 2019


  • Lang ST, Guo J, Bruns A, Dürr M, Braun J, Hamm B, Sack I, Marticorena Garcia SR

Multiparametric Quantitative MRI for the Detection of IgA Nephropathy Using Tomoelastography, DWI, and BOLD Imaging

Investigative Radiology 2019


  • Bertalan G, Boehm-Sturm P, Schreyer S, Morr AS, Steiner B, Tzschätzsch H, Braun J, Guo J, Sack I

The influence of body temperature on tissue stiffness, blood perfusion, and water diffusion in the mouse brain

Acta Biomaterialia 2019


  • Macdonald J, Wäldchen S, Hauch S, Kutyniok G

A Rate-Distortion Framework for Explaining Neural Network Decisions


  • Wäldchen S, Macdonald J, Hauch S, Kutyniok G

The Computational Complexity of Understanding Network Decisions


  • Schrank F, Warmuth C, Tzschätzsch H, Kreft B, Hirsch S, Braun J, Elgeti T, Sack I

Cardiac-gated steady-state multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography of the brain: effect of cerebral arterial pulsation on brain viscoelasticity

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2019


  • Prezado Y, Jouvion G, Guardiola C, Gonzalez W, Juchaux M, Bergs J, Nauraye C, Labiod D, De Marzi L, Pouzoulet F, Patriarca A, Dendale R

Tumor Control in RG2 Glioma-Bearing Rats: A Comparison Between Proton Minibeam Therapy and Standard Proton Therapy

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2019


  • Lukas S, Feger S, Rief M, Zimmermann E, Dewey M

Noise reduction and motion elimination in low-dose 4D myocardial computed tomography perfusion (CTP): preliminary clinical evaluation of the ASTRA4D algorithm

European Radiology 2019


  • Heucke N, Wuensch N, Mohr J, Kaffarnik M, Arsenic R, Sinn B, Müller T, Pratschke J, Stockmann M, Sack I, Tzschätzsch H

Non-invasive structure–function assessment of the liver by 2D time-harmonic elastography and the dynamic Liver MAximum capacity (LiMAx) test

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2019


  • Ariza de Schellenberger A, Tzschätzsch H, Polchlopek B, Bertalan G, Schrank F, Garczynska K, Janmey PA, Braun J, Sack I

Sensitivity of multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography and diffusion-weighted imaging to cellular and stromal integrity of liver tissue

Journal of Biomechanics 2019


  • Wang S, Hesse B, Roman M, Stier D, Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Suuronen J, Lagrange A, Radbruch H, Paul F, Taupitz M, Schellenberger E, Sack I, Infante-Duarte C

Increased Retention of Gadolinium in the Inflamed Brain After Repeated Administration of Gadopentetate Dimeglumine

Investigative Radiology 2019


  • Riazy L, Schaeffter T, Olbrich M, Schueler J, von Knobelsdorff‐Brenkenhoff F, Niendorf T, Schulz‐Menger J

Porous medium 3D flow simulation of contrast media washout in cardiac MRI reflects myocardial injury

Magn Reson Med 2019


  • Wink C, Ferrazzi G, Bassenge JP, Flassbeck S, Schmidt S, Schaeffter T, Schmitter S

4D flow imaging with 2D‐selective excitation

Magn Reson Med 2019


  • Sauer F, Oswald L, Ariza de Schellenberger A, Tzschätzsch H, Schrank F, Fischer T, Braun J, Mierke CT, Valiullin R, Sack I, Käs JA

Collagen networks determine viscoelastic properties of connective tissues yet do not hinder diffusion of the aqueous solvent

Soft Matter 2019




  • Tzschätzsch H, Kreft B, Schrank F, Bergs J, Braun J, Sack I

In vivo time-harmonic ultrasound elastography of the human brain detects acute cerebral stiffness changes induced by intracranial pressure variations

Sci Rep 2018


  • Bertalan G, Guo J, Tzschätzsch H, Klein C, Barnhill E, Sack I, Braun J

 Fast tomoelastography of the mouse brain by multifrequency single‐shot MR elastography

 Magn Reson Med 2018


  • Guardiola C, Prezado Y, Roulin C, Bergs J

Effect of X-ray minibeam radiation therapy on clonogenic survival of glioma cells

Clin Transl Rad Oncol 2018


  • Ippoliti M, Adams L, Brenner W, Hamm B, Spincemaille P, Wang Y, Makowski M

Quantitative susceptibility mapping across two clinical field strengths: Contrast‐to‐noise ratio enhancement at 1.5T

J Magn Reson Imaging 2018



Quantification of Biophysical Parameters in Medical Imaging

Sack I, Schäffter T (editors)
Springer (ISBN-10: 3319659235) 2024, 2nd edition

The second edition of this book offers six new chapters covering the latest developments in quantitative medical imaging, including artificial intelligence, MRI mapping, sonography, elastography and cardiac CT. All the other existing chapters have been updated and expanded, many with new text and figures, to reflect the rapid translation and advancement of technology in this exciting area of biomedical research.

This updated edition presents fundamental knowledge on the imaging quantification of biophysical parameters for clinical diagnostic purposes. Clinical imaging scanners are considered by the authors as physical measurement systems capable of quantifying intrinsic parameters for the representation of the constitution and biophysical properties of tissues in vivo. In one respect, this approach fosters the development of new imaging methods for highly reproducible, system-independent, and quantitative biomarkers. These methods are greatly detailed in the book. Alternatively, this new edition equips the reader with a better understanding of how the physical properties of tissues interact with signal generation in medical imaging, opening up new insights into the complex and fascinating relationship between structure and function in living tissues.

This updated edition is of interest to all those who recognize the limitations of clinical diagnosis based primarily on visual inspection of images, and who wish to learn more about the diagnostic potential of quantitative, biophysically-based medical imaging markers, as well as the challenges posed by the scarcity of such markers for next-generation imaging technologies.

1 Introduction: Medical Imaging for the Quantitative Measurement of Biophysical Parameters

Part I Biological and Physical Fundamentals
2 Fundamentals of Transport in Living Tissues Quantified by Medical Imaging Technologies
3 Mathematical Modeling of Blood Flow in the Cardiovascular System
4 A Biphasic Poroelasticity Model for Soft Tissue
5 Physical Properties of Single Cells and Their Collective Behaviors
6 The Extracellular Matrix as a Target for Biophysical and Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Part II Medical Imaging Technologies
7 Mathematical Methods in Medical Image Processing
8 Acceleration Strategies for Data Sampling in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
9 Machine Learning for Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
10 4D Flow MRI
11 Quantitative MRI Using Multiparametric Mapping
13 Innovative PET and SPECT Tracers
14 Methods and Approaches in Ultrasound Elastography
15 Photoacoustic Imaging: Principles and Applications
16 Fundamentals of X-Ray Computed Tomography: Acquisition and Reconstruction

Part III Applications
17 Quantification of Myocardial Effective Transverse Relaxation Time with Magnetic Resonance at 7.0 Tesla for a Better Understanding of Myocardial (Patho)physiology
18 Extracellular Matrix–Specific Molecular MR Imaging Probes for the Assessment of Aortic Aneurysms
19 Diffusion-Based MRI-Imaging Basics and Clinical Applications
20 Tumor Characterization by Sonoelastography and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
21 Quantitative Bone Ultrasound
22 Mechanical Imaging of the Aorta
23 Sensitivity of Tissue Shear Stiffness to Pressure and Perfusion in Health and Disease
24 Radionuclide Imaging of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow
25 Cardiac Perfusion MRI
26 Myocardial Perfusion Assessment by 3D and 4D Computed Tomography
27 Roadmap on the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Imaging of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque in Coronary Arteries
28 Clinical Quantitative Coronary Artery Stenosis and Coronary Atherosclerosis Imaging: A Consensus Statement from the Quantitative Cardiovascular Imaging Study Group



BIOQIC book “Quantification of Biophysical Parameters in Medical Imaging”


The eBook can be downloaded here and  is suitable for most mobile reading devices.

The book, edited by Ingolf Sack and Tobias Schaeffter, provides a selection of essential knowledge on the image-based quantification of biophysical parameters for the purpose of clinical diagnosis. The authors regard clinical imaging scanners as physical measurement systems capable of quantifying intrinsic parameters for depiction of the constitution and biophysical properties of in vivo tissue. On the one hand, this approach supports the development of new methods of imaging highly reproducible, system-independent, and quantitative biomarkers, and these methods receive detailed attention in the book. On the other hand, the reader will also gain a deeper understanding of how physical tissue properties interact with the generation of signals in medical imaging, opening new windows on the intricate and fascinating relationship between the structure and function of living tissues. The book will be of interest to all who recognize the limitations of basing clinical diagnosis primarily on visual inspection of images and who wish to learn more about the diagnostic potential of quantitative and biophysics-based medical imaging markers and the challenges that the paucity of such markers poses for next-generation imaging technologies.



1 Introduction: Medical Imaging for the Quantitative Measurement of Biophysical Parameters – Ingolf Sack and Tobias Schaeffter

Part I Biological and Physical Fundamentals

2 The Fundamentals of Transport in Living Tissues Quantified by Medical Imaging Technologies – Sebastian Hirsch, Tobias Schaeffter, and Ingolf Sack

3 Mathematical Modeling of Blood Flow in the Cardiovascular System – Alfonso Caiazzo and Irene E. Vignon-Clementel

4 A Biphasic Poroelasticity Model for Soft Tissue – Sebastian Hirsch

5 Physical Properties of Single Cells and Collective Behavior – Hans Kubitschke, Erik W. Morawetz, Josef A. Käs, and Jörg Schnauß

6 The Extracellular Matrix as a Target for Biophysical and Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Angela Ariza de Schellenberger, Judith Bergs, Ingolf Sack, and Matthias Taupitz

Part II Medical Imaging Technologies

7 Mathematical Methods in Medical Image Processing – Gitta Kutyniok, Jackie Ma, and Maximilian März

8 Acceleration Strategies for Data Sampling in MRI – Christoph Kolbitsch and Tobias Schaeffter

9 4D Flow MRI – Sebastian Schmitter and Susanne Schnell

10 CEST MRI – Martin Kunth and Leif Schröder

11 Innovative PET and SPECT Tracers – Ulrich Abram

12 Methods and Approaches in Ultrasound Elastography – Heiko Tzschätzsch

13 Photoacoustic Imaging: Principles and Applications – Jan Laufer

14 Fundamentals of X-Ray Computed Tomography: Acquisition and Reconstruction – Marc Dewey and Marc Kachelrieß

Part III Applications

15 Quantification of Myocardial Effective Transverse Relaxation Time with Magnetic Resonance at 7.0 Tesla for a Better Understanding of Myocardial (Patho)physiology – Till Huelnhagen, Teresa Serradas-Duarte, Fabian Hezel, Katharina Paul, and Thoralf Niendorf

16 Extracellular Matrix-Specific Molecular MR Imaging Probes for the Assessment of Aortic Aneurysms – Julia Brangsch, Carolin Reimann, and Marcus R. Makowski

17 Diffusion-Based MRI: Imaging Basics and Clinical Applications – Michael Scheel

18 Quantification of Functional Heterogeneities in Tumors by PET Imaging – Winfried Brenner, Florian Wedel, and Janet F. Eary

19 Tumor Characterization by Ultrasound Elastography and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound – Thomas Fischer, Anke Thomas, and Dirk-André Clevert

20 Sensitivity of Tissue Shear Stiffness to Pressure and Perfusion in Health and Disease – Jing Guo, Florian Dittmann, and Jürgen Braun

21 Radionuclide Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow – Ralph Buchert

22 Cardiac Perfusion MRI – Amedeo Chiribiri

23 Myocardial Perfusion Assessment by 3D and 4D Computed Tomography – Marc Dewey and Marc Kachelrieß


23/09/2019 Steffen Lukas (AG Dewey) – Noise Reduction and Motion Elimination in Low-Dose 4D Myocardial Computed Tomography Perfusion (CTP): Preliminary Clinical Evaluation of the ASTRA4D Algorithm