Science, Lab, Social & Career skills

The BIOQIC Research Training Group aims to support doctoral students in the field of imaging sciences in researching and further developing biophysically-based, quanitative medical imaging and applying it in clinical pilot studies. While CRC 1540 Exploring Brain Mechanics investigates the role of mechanical fores in the central nervous system to improve diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders, the CRC1340 Matrix in Vision uses inflammation as pathologic example to examine how different components of the extracellular matric can be tareted for in vivo imaging.


GRK2260 BIOQIC Journal Club / Seminar

CCM, biweekly
Tues. 16:00-17:00

Biophysical quantitative medical imaging towards clinical diagnosis (BIOQIC)

Location: Charité Campus Mitte, Sauerbruchweg 4

Alternatively: Teams

Contact to be added to the mailing list: kristina-helena.pavicevic(at)



GRK2260 BIOQIC Introduction course

CCM, once at the beginning of every cohort
one week

Biophysical quantitative medical imaging towards clinical diagnosis (BIOQIC)

Location: Charité Campus Mitte, Sauerbruchweg 4

Contact: kristina-helena.pavicevic(at)




yearly, 1-2 days

Scientific presentations of the BIOQIC PhD-students and guests

Location: changing location

Contact: kristina-helena.pavicevic(at)



GRK2260 BIOQIC PhD committee Session

CCM, PTB, yearly
19.03. (PTB), 10.04.2025 (Charité)

Biophysical quantitative medical imaging towards clinical diagnosis (BIOQIC)

Location: Charité Campus Mitte, Sauerbruchweg 4

Alternatively: Teams

Contact: kristina-helena.pavicevic(at)



MRE seminars

CCM, weekly
Tues. 10:00-11:00

Methods of quantitative medical imaging with a focus on elastography

Location: Charité Campus Mitte, Sauerbruchweg 4

Alternatively: Teams

Contact to be added to the mailing list: kristina-helena.pavicevic(at)


Charité Research Colloquium

CCM, monthly
Thur. 16:30-17:30

Location: Hybrid event, on the premises of the respective research group

contact: heiko.tzschaetzsch(at)



EBM Virtual Breakfast Club

online, weekly
Mon. 8:30-9:00

CRC 1540 Exploring Brain Mechanics


Contact: andrea.dakkouri(at)


SFB1340 Colloquia

CCM, twice a year

Matrix in Vision

Contact: sfb-1340(at)


FOR Team Update Meeting

Online, biweekly
Mon. 17:00-17:30

FOR5628: Multiscale MRE: in vivo physics of cancer


Contact to be added to the mailing list: melanie.estrella(at)


FOR5628 Assembly

B(erlin)-D(resden)-L(eipzig), twice a year
Assemblys up to now:

Contact to be added to the mailing list: melanie.estrella(at)


Physics of Cancer Symposium

Leipzig Universtity, annual

15th Annual Symposium “Physics of Cancer”

Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences
Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics
Linnéstraße 5, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

Contact: poc(at)


Early bird scientific presentations

online, weekly
Tues. 7:45-8:00

Continuing academic education: Short lectures as part of the early bird programme


FOR-contributions are appreciated

Contact to be added to the mailing list: sevtap-tugce.ulas(at)

Career Perspectives Series

online, monthly
2nd Thurs. of a month, 17:00-18:00

Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences

Location: Charité Campus Mitte, Sauerbruchweg 4

Different platforms

Subscribe to our mailing list

MITT seminars

CVK, weekly
Thurs. 16.30-18:00

Minimally invasive tumour therapies (MITT) Labor Grand Rounds

Location: CVK, (Mittelallee 3, UG, Bucky-Hörsaal), Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin
Participants will be picked up at the registration desk 5 minutes before the start of the event.

Registration: by Monday 14:00

Contact: lynn-jeanette.savic(at)