Introductory courses and BIOQIC Day 2023

The first PhD students of the third and last BIOQIC cohort have started.Their introductory courses are scheduled for the week of July 3-7. Like previous times, the PhD students will learn about the basics of imaging and the methods used in our graduate program. Our annual BIOQIC day(s) will be held this year together with…

Summary and overview of the first ISMRM workshop on magnetic resonance elastography, August 25–26, 2022, Berlin, Germany

An ISMRM workshop on MR elastography was held at Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin on August 25–26, 2022. As an exclusively in-person event, 65 participants from 9 countries attended the workshop despite COVID-19–related restrictions. The topics of the workshop covered cellular and microtissue mechanical interactions, the development of MR elastography driver technology, approaches to inverse problems, clinical applications,…

The BIOQIC Days 2022 took place from September 29 to 30 at the Inselhotel in Potsdam. The event was also available online via MS Teams. On the first day, 2nd cohort PhD students presented their projects and discussed their results and ideas with colleagues and PIs, with sessions led by 2nd cohort PhD students. Click…

PhD position available in CRC1340 Matrix in Vision

A PhD position (TVöD E13, 65%) is available immediately. The position is part of the second funding period of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC1340) “In vivo visualization of extracellular matrix pathologies”, a cooperation of the University Hospital Berlin (Charité), Berlin universities and research institutions (BIOQIC).