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The aim of the workshop is to prepare the upcoming European EMPIR-call in Health 2018 through input from international experts in medicine, adacdemia and industry.
The call will align with the current and upcoming H2020 programme to add a metrology component. It is organised in two dimensions with an applications (vertical) and a technological (horizontal) axis. From the application perspective three areas will be addressed: non-communicable disease (onco, neuro, cardio), infectious disease and personalised medicine.
The technology will cover:
1. multi-parametric measurements and analysis,
2. molecular/cell diagnosis and therapy,
3. personalised (radio)-therapy
These topics will also be used to organise the workshop, i.e. three sessions with each two talks. The workshop will start on December 12 at noon and will end with a dinner in the evening. We also plan a networking meeting in the morning of December 13 where first ideas and topics will be discussed.
For further information please go to EMPIR Health Call 2018 – Provide input for future research projects.